Source code for pySLM2.slm

import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from scipy.constants import micro
from functools import lru_cache
from .profile import FunctionProfile
from . import _lib
from ._backend import BACKEND
from typing import Union, Tuple

__all__ = ["SLM", "DMD", "DLP7000", "DLP9500", "DLP9000", "LCOS_SLM", "PLUTO_2"]

[docs] class SLM(object): """Base class for a spatial light modulators. Parameters ---------- wavelength: float Wavelength of the laser. focal_length: float Effective focal length of the lens system. Nx: int Number of pixels in the x direction. Ny: int Number of pixels in the y direction. pixel_size: float Edge length of a single pixel. .. Note:: Coordinate system:: +-----> j + +------------------+ ^ | | y | | | | ^ | | v | | | | Ny * pixel_size | 0---> x | | i | | | | | | +------------------+ v <------------------> Nx * pixel_size """ def __init__(self, wavelength, focal_length, Nx, Ny, pixel_size): # Read only self._wavelength = wavelength self._focal_length = focal_length self._Nx = Nx self._Ny = Ny self._scaling_factor = self._wavelength * self._focal_length self._pixel_size = pixel_size @property def scaling_factor(self): return self._scaling_factor @property def Nx(self): return self._Nx @property def Ny(self): return self._Ny @property def wavelength(self): return self._wavelength @property def focal_length(self): return self._focal_length @property def pixel_size(self): return self._pixel_size @tf.function def _convert_pixel_index_to_dmd_coordinate(self, i, j): i = self._Ny - i j = j - self._Nx / 2 i = i - self._Ny / 2 return j * self._pixel_size, i * self._pixel_size @tf.function def _convert_slm_coordinate_to_pixel_index(self, x, y): x = x / self._pixel_size y = y / self._pixel_size i = y + self._Ny / 2 j = x + self._Nx / 2 i = self._Ny - i return i, j @lru_cache() def _fourier_plane_pixel_grid(self) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: pix_j = tf.range(self.Nx, dtype=BACKEND.dtype) pix_i = tf.range(self.Ny, dtype=BACKEND.dtype) return tf.meshgrid(pix_i, pix_j, indexing="ij") @lru_cache() def _fourier_plane_grid(self) -> Tuple[tf.Tensor, tf.Tensor]: pix_ii, pix_jj = self._fourier_plane_pixel_grid() return self._convert_pixel_index_to_dmd_coordinate(pix_ii, pix_jj) @property def fourier_plane_grid(self): """(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) The x and y coordinates of all the pixels on the SLM.""" x, y = self._fourier_plane_grid() return np.array(x), np.array(y) @lru_cache() def _image_plane_grid(self): kx_atom, ky_atom = tf.constant(np.fft.fftfreq(self.Nx, self._pixel_size), dtype=BACKEND.dtype), \ tf.constant(-np.fft.fftfreq(self.Ny, self._pixel_size), dtype=BACKEND.dtype) kx_atom, ky_atom = tf.signal.fftshift(kx_atom), tf.signal.fftshift(ky_atom) x_atom = kx_atom * self.scaling_factor y_atom = ky_atom * self.scaling_factor return tf.meshgrid(x_atom, y_atom) @property def image_plane_grid(self): """(numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) The x and y coordinates of the coorsponding.""" x, y = self._image_plane_grid() return np.array(x), np.array(y)
[docs] def profile_to_tensor(self, profile: Union[FunctionProfile, tf.Tensor, np.ndarray, int, float, complex], at_fourier_plane=True, complex=False): """This function covert a profile into into tensor. Parameters ---------- profile: pySLM2.profile.FunctionProfile, tensorflow.Tensor, numpy.ndarray, int, float or complex If profile is a FunctionProfile, it will be sampled with the grid in either the Fourier plane or the images plane. Otherwise, it will be cast into a tensorflow.Tensor. at_fourier_plane: bool If the value is True, the profile is sampled with the Fourier plane grid. Otherwise, it will be sampled with the images plane grid. (Default: True) complex: bool The dtype of the tensor. If the value is True, the dtype of the tensor will be set to pySLM2.BACKEND.complex_dtype. Otherwise, the dtype will be set to pySLM2.BACKEND.dtype. (Default: False) Returns ------- tensor: The tensor has the same dimension as the fourier_plane_grid and the image_plane_grid. The dtyoe of the tensor can be set by complex. """ tensor_dtype = BACKEND.dtype_complex if complex else BACKEND.dtype if isinstance(profile, FunctionProfile): grid = self._fourier_plane_grid() if at_fourier_plane else self._image_plane_grid() tensor = profile._func(*grid) elif isinstance(profile, tf.Tensor): tensor = profile else: tensor = tf.constant(profile, dtype=tensor_dtype) if tensor.dtype != tensor_dtype: tensor = tf.cast(tensor, dtype=tensor_dtype) return tensor
def _state_tensor(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class DMD(SLM): """Base class for a Digital Micromirror Device (DMD). Parameters ---------- wavelength: float Wavelength of the laser. focal_length: float Effective focal length of the lens system. periodicity: float Periodicity of the grating in unit of pixels theta: float Desired grating angle. This affects the direction between first order beam relative to the zeroth order beam. Nx: int Number of pixels in the x direction. Ny: int Number of pixels in the y direction. pixel_size: float Edge length of a single pixel. In the context of the DMD, a pixel is a micromirror. negative_order: bool If this parameter is set to True, use negative first order instead of first order diffraction beam. """ def __init__(self, wavelength, focal_length, periodicity, theta, Nx, Ny, pixel_size, negative_order=False): super().__init__(wavelength, focal_length, Nx, Ny, pixel_size) self.dmd_state = np.zeros((self.Ny, self.Nx), dtype=bool) self._p = tf.Variable(periodicity * self._pixel_size, dtype=BACKEND.dtype) self._theta = tf.Variable(theta, dtype=BACKEND.dtype) self.negative_order = negative_order
[docs] def set_dmd_state_off(self): """ Reset dmd_state to be an array (Ny, Nx) of zeros.""" self.dmd_state = np.zeros((self.Ny, self.Nx), dtype=bool)
[docs] def set_dmd_state_on(self): """Reset dmd_state to be an array (Ny, Nx) of ones.""" self.dmd_state = np.ones((self.Ny, self.Nx), dtype=bool)
[docs] def set_dmd_grating_state(self, amp=1, phase_in=0, phase_out=0, method="random", **kwargs): amp = self.profile_to_tensor(amp) phase_in = self.profile_to_tensor(phase_in) phase_out = self.profile_to_tensor(phase_out) x, y = self._fourier_plane_grid() self.dmd_state = np.array(_lib.calculate_dmd_grating(amp, phase_in, phase_out, x, y, self._p, self._theta, method=method, negative_order=self.negative_order, **kwargs))
@staticmethod @tf.function def _circular_mask(i, j, pix_ii, pix_jj, d): pix_rr_square = (pix_jj - j) ** 2 + (pix_ii - i) ** 2 mask = pix_rr_square < (d / 2) ** 2 return mask
[docs] def circular_patch(self, i, j, amp, phase_in, phase_out, d, method="random", **kwargs): """Create a circular grating patch. Parameters ---------- i: int or float Coordinate of the center of the patch in the pixel index. j: float Coordinate of the center of the patch in the pixel index. amp: float Amplitude scaling of the diffracting beam from the grating. The valid range is between 0 and 1. phase_in: float or numpy.ndarray or tensorflow.Tensor The input phase map (aberration correction) of the beam. phase_out: float or numpy.ndarray or tensorflow.Tensor The output phase map of the beam. d: float Diameter of the patch in the unit of pixel. method: str (Default: "random") Available methods are "random", "ideal", "simple", "ifta". kwargs: dict Additional arguments for the method. """ amp = self.profile_to_tensor(amp) phase_in = self.profile_to_tensor(phase_in) phase_out = self.profile_to_tensor(phase_out) pix_ii, pix_jj = self._fourier_plane_pixel_grid() mask = self._circular_mask(i, j, pix_ii, pix_jj, d) x, y = self._fourier_plane_grid() # TODO mask the array before passing them into the function dmd_state = np.array(_lib.calculate_dmd_grating(amp, phase_in, phase_out, x, y, self._p, self._theta, method=method, negative_order=self.negative_order, **kwargs)) self.dmd_state[mask] = dmd_state[mask]
@staticmethod @tf.function def _calc_amp_phase(input_profile: tf.Tensor, target_profile: tf.Tensor, window=None): ''' Calculate the amplitude scaling and phase difference between the input and target profiles. Parameters ---------- input_profile: tf.Tensor The input profile of the beam at Fourier plane. target_profile: tf.Tensor The target profile of the beam at image plane. window: tf.Tensor The window function to be applied to the input_profile. Returns ------- amp_scaled: tf.Tensor The amplitude scaling factor. phase_in: tf.Tensor The phase of the input profile. phase_out: tf.Tensor The phase of the target profile. one_over_eta_fft: tf.Tensor The efficiency of mode matching. ''' target_profile_fp = _lib._fourier_transform(tf.signal.ifftshift(target_profile)) target_profile_fp = tf.signal.fftshift(target_profile_fp) if window is not None: target_profile_fp = target_profile_fp * window phase_in = tf.math.angle(input_profile) amp_in = tf.math.abs(input_profile) amp_out = tf.math.abs(target_profile_fp) phase_out = tf.where( target_profile_fp == 0.0, tf.zeros_like(amp_out), tf.math.angle(target_profile_fp) ) amp_scaled = tf.where( amp_out == 0.0, tf.zeros_like(amp_out), amp_out / amp_in ) one_over_eta_fft = tf.math.reduce_max(amp_scaled) amp_scaled = amp_scaled / one_over_eta_fft return amp_scaled, phase_in, phase_out, one_over_eta_fft
[docs] def calculate_dmd_state(self, input_profile: Union[FunctionProfile, np.ndarray, tf.Tensor, float, int, complex], target_profile: Union[FunctionProfile, np.ndarray, tf.Tensor, float, int, complex], method="random", window=None, **kwargs): """Calculate the DMD grating state based on the input and target profiles. Parameters ---------- input_profile: FunctionProfile or numpy.ndarray or tensorflow.Tensor or float or int or complex The input profile of the beam at Fourier plane. target_profile: FunctionProfile or numpy.ndarray or tensorflow.Tensor or float or int or complex The target profile of the beam at image plane. method: str Method to calculate the DMD grating. Available methods are "random", "ideal", "simple", "ifta". window: FunctionProfile or numpy.ndarray or tensorflow.Tensor or float or int or complex The window function to be applied to the input_profile. kwargs: dict Additional arguments for the method. Returns ------- eta: float The efficiency of mode matching. See Also -------- profile_to_tensor """ # TODO check kwargs for different method input_profile = self.profile_to_tensor(input_profile, complex=True) target_profile = self.profile_to_tensor(target_profile, at_fourier_plane=False, complex=True) if window is not None: window = self.profile_to_tensor(window, complex=True) amp_scaled, phase_in, phase_out, one_over_eta_fft = self._calc_amp_phase(input_profile, target_profile, window=window) x, y = self._fourier_plane_grid() if method == "ifta": kwargs["input_profile"] = input_profile kwargs["signal_window"] = self.profile_to_tensor(kwargs["signal_window"], at_fourier_plane=False, complex=True) self.dmd_state = np.array( _lib.calculate_dmd_grating(amp_scaled, phase_in, phase_out, x, y, self._p, self._theta, method=method, negative_order=self.negative_order, **kwargs)) eta = self.pixel_size ** 2 / self.scaling_factor * self.Nx * self.Ny / float(one_over_eta_fft) return eta
@property def theta(self): """float""" return self._theta.value() @property def first_order_origin(self): """(float, float): The origin of the first order beam in images plane.""" origin_x = np.cos(self.theta) * self.scaling_factor / float(self._p.value()) origin_y = np.sin(self.theta) * self.scaling_factor / float(self._p.value()) return origin_x, origin_y def _state_tensor(self): return tf.constant(self.dmd_state, dtype=BACKEND.dtype_complex)
[docs] def pack_dmd_state(self): """Pack the dmd state to bytes. Returns ------- packed_dmd_state: bytes """ if self.dmd_state.dtype != bool: raise TypeError("The dtype of dmd_state is not bool") packed_bits = np.packbits(self.dmd_state) return packed_bits.tobytes()
[docs] class DLP9500(DMD): """This class implements the DLP9500 model and DLP9500UV model from Texas Instruments. Parameters ---------- wavelength: float Wavelength of the laser. focal_length: float Effective focal length of the lens system. periodicity: float Periodicity of the grating in unit of pixels theta: float Desired grating angle. This affects the direction between first order beam relative to the zeroth order beam. negative_order: bool If this parameter is set to True, use negative first order instead of first order diffraction beam. """ def __init__(self, wavelength: float, focal_length: float, periodicity: float, theta: float, negative_order: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__(wavelength, focal_length, periodicity, theta, 1920, 1080, 10.8 * micro, negative_order=negative_order)
# TODO List more dmd models here
[docs] class DLP7000(DMD): """This class implements the DLP7000 model and DLP7000UV model from Texas Instruments. Parameters ---------- wavelength: float Wavelength of the laser. focal_length: float Effective focal length of the lens system. periodicity: float Periodicity of the grating in unit of pixels theta: float Desired grating angle. This affects the direction between first order beam relative to the zeroth order beam. negative_order: bool If this parameter is set to True, use negative first order instead of first order diffraction beam. """ def __init__(self, wavelength: float, focal_length: float, periodicity: float, theta: float, negative_order: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__(wavelength, focal_length, periodicity, theta, 1024, 768, 13.68 * micro, negative_order=negative_order)
[docs] class DLP9000(DMD): """This class implements the DLP9000 model, DLP9000X model, and DLP9000XUV model from Texas Instruments. Parameters ---------- wavelength: float Wavelength of the laser. focal_length: float Effective focal length of the lens system. periodicity: float Periodicity of the grating in unit of pixels theta: float Desired grating angle. This affects the direction between first order beam relative to the zeroth order beam. negative_order: bool If this parameter is set to True, use negative first order instead of first order diffraction beam. """ def __init__(self, wavelength: float, focal_length: float, periodicity: float, theta: float, negative_order: bool = False) -> None: super().__init__(wavelength, focal_length, periodicity, theta, 2560, 1600, 7.56 * micro, negative_order=negative_order)
[docs] class LCOS_SLM(SLM): """Base class for a Liquid Crystal on Silicon (LCOS) spatial light modulators.""" def __init__(self, wavelength, focal_length, Nx, Ny, pixel_size): super().__init__(wavelength, focal_length, Nx, Ny, pixel_size) self.slm_state = np.zeros(shape=(Ny, Nx), dtype=complex)
[docs] def reset_slm_state(self): self.slm_state = np.zeros(shape=(self.Ny, self.Nx), dtype=complex)
def _state_tensor(self): return tf.exp(-1j *tf.cast(self.slm_state, dtype=BACKEND.dtype_complex))
[docs] def calculate_hologram(self, input_profile, target_amp_profile, method="gs", **kwargs): ''' Calculate the hologram displayed on the LCOS SLM. Parameters ---------- input_profile: FunctionProfile or numpy.ndarray or tensorflow.Tensor or float or int or complex The input profile of the beam at Fourier plane. target_amp_profile: FunctionProfile or numpy.ndarray or tensorflow.Tensor or float or int or complex The target profile of the beam at image plane. method: str The method to calculate the hologram. 'gs': Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm. 'mraf': Modified Random Amplitude Fourier Transform Algorithm. kwargs: dict Additional arguments for the method. ''' input_profile = self.profile_to_tensor(input_profile, complex=True) target_amp_profile = self.profile_to_tensor(target_amp_profile, at_fourier_plane=False) if method == "mraf": kwargs["signal_window"] = self.profile_to_tensor( kwargs["signal_window"], at_fourier_plane=False, complex=True ) self.slm_state = np.array(_lib.calculate_lcos_slm_hologram(input_profile, target_amp_profile, method=method, **kwargs))
[docs] class PLUTO_2(LCOS_SLM): """This class implements the PLUTO-2 families from HOLOEYE Photonics AG. Parameters ---------- wavelength: float Wavelength of the laser. focal_length: float Effective focal length of the lens system. """ def __init__(self, wavelength, focal_length): super().__init__(wavelength, focal_length, 1920, 1080, 8 * micro)