Source code for pySLM2.simulation

from functools import lru_cache
import math

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from . import _lib
from ._backend import BACKEND
from .slm import SLM, DMD
from typing import Tuple

__all__ = ["SLMSimulation", "DMDSimulation"]

[docs] class SLMSimulation(object): """The class implements a Simulation plan for the SLM. Parameters ---------- slm: pySLM2.slm.SLM padding_x: int Number of pixels padded in the x direction. (see the note for details) padding_y: int Number of pixels padded in the y direction. (see the note for details) .. Note:: The padded Fourier plane is defined as following:: +----------------------+ ^ | | | padding_y * pixel_size | | | | +------------+ | v | | | | | | DMD | | | | | | | +------------+ | | | | padded FP | +----------------------+ <----> padding_x * pixel_size """ def __init__(self, slm: SLM, padding_x: int=0, padding_y: int=0): if not isinstance(padding_x, int): raise TypeError("padding_x must be an integer.") if not isinstance(padding_y, int): raise TypeError("padding_y must be an integer.") if isinstance(slm, SLM): self._slm = slm else: raise TypeError("dmd must be a SLM object.") self._padding_x = padding_x self._padding_y = padding_y self._input_field = None self._output_field = None self._image_plane_field = None
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear the simulation result.""" self._input_field = None self._output_field = None self._image_plane_field = None
@property def fourier_plane_pixel_area(self) -> float: """float""" return self._slm._pixel_size ** 2 @property def image_plane_pixel_area(self) -> float: return self._slm.scaling_factor ** 2 / (self.Nx * self.Ny) / self._slm.pixel_size ** 2 @property def padding_x(self) -> int: return self._padding_x @property def padding_y(self) -> int: return self._padding_y @property def Nx(self) -> int: return self._slm.Nx + 2 * self._padding_x @property def Ny(self) -> int: return self._slm.Ny + 2 * self._padding_y @lru_cache() def _image_plane_padded_grid(self): kx_atom, ky_atom = tf.constant(np.fft.fftfreq(self.Nx, self._slm.pixel_size), dtype=BACKEND.dtype), \ tf.constant(-np.fft.fftfreq(self.Ny, self._slm.pixel_size), dtype=BACKEND.dtype) kx_atom, ky_atom = tf.signal.fftshift(kx_atom), tf.signal.fftshift(ky_atom) x_atom = kx_atom * self._slm.scaling_factor y_atom = ky_atom * self._slm.scaling_factor return tf.meshgrid(x_atom, y_atom) @property def image_plane_padded_grid(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: x, y = self._image_plane_padded_grid() return np.array(x), np.array(y) @lru_cache() def _fourier_plane_padded_grid(self): pix_j = tf.range(-self._padding_x, self._slm.Nx + self._padding_x, dtype=BACKEND.dtype) pix_i = tf.range(-self._padding_y, self._slm.Ny + self._padding_y, dtype=BACKEND.dtype) pix_ii, pix_jj = tf.meshgrid(pix_i, pix_j, indexing="ij") return self._slm._convert_pixel_index_to_dmd_coordinate(pix_ii, pix_jj) @property def fourier_plane_padded_grid(self) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: x, y = self._fourier_plane_padded_grid() return np.array(x), np.array(y)
[docs] def propagate_to_image(self, input_profile): """ Parameters ---------- input_profile """ input_profile = self._slm.profile_to_tensor(input_profile, complex=True) self._input_field = tf.pad(input_profile, [[self._padding_y, self._padding_y], [self._padding_x, self._padding_x]]) output_profile = input_profile * self._slm._state_tensor() self._output_field = tf.pad(output_profile, [[self._padding_y, self._padding_y], [self._padding_x, self._padding_x]]) _image_plane_field_unormalized = tf.signal.fftshift( _lib._inverse_fourier_transform(tf.signal.ifftshift(self._output_field))) # TODO proper explanation self._image_plane_field = _image_plane_field_unormalized * (self.Nx * self.Ny * self.fourier_plane_pixel_area / self.scaling_factor)
@tf.function def _field_to_intensity(self, field_tensor): return tf.math.real(field_tensor)**2 + tf.math.imag(field_tensor)**2 @property def _input_intensity(self): return None if self._input_field is None else self._field_to_intensity(self._input_field) @property def _output_intensity(self): return None if self._output_field is None else self._field_to_intensity(self._output_field) @property def _image_plane_intensity(self): return None if self._image_plane_field is None else self._field_to_intensity(self._image_plane_field) def _pack_tensor_to_array(self, tensor): return None if tensor is None else np.array(tensor) @property def input_field(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._pack_tensor_to_array(self._input_field) @property def output_field(self) -> np.ndarray: return self._pack_tensor_to_array(self._output_field) @property def image_plane_field(self) -> np.ndarray: "np.ndarray" return self._pack_tensor_to_array(self._image_plane_field) @property def input_intensity(self) -> np.ndarray: "np.ndarray" return self._pack_tensor_to_array(self._input_intensity) @property def output_intensity(self) -> np.ndarray: "np.ndarray" return self._pack_tensor_to_array(self._output_intensity) @property def image_plane_intensity(self) -> np.ndarray: "np.ndarray" return self._pack_tensor_to_array(self._image_plane_intensity)
[docs] def get_input_power(self) -> float: """Calculates and returns the total power incident on the SLM. Returns ------- power: float The total power incident on the SLM. """ return np.sum(self.input_intensity) * self.fourier_plane_pixel_area
[docs] def get_output_power(self) -> float: """Calculates and returns the total power output from the SLM. Returns ------- power: float The total power output from the SLM. """ return np.sum(self.output_intensity) * self.fourier_plane_pixel_area
[docs] def get_image_plane_power(self) -> float: """Calculates and returns the total power at the images plane. Returns ------- power: float The total power at images plane. """ return np.sum(self.image_plane_intensity) * self.image_plane_pixel_area
@property def scaling_factor(self) -> float: return self._slm.scaling_factor
[docs] class DMDSimulation(SLMSimulation): """The class implements a Simulation plan for the DMD. Parameters ---------- dmd: pySLM2.slm.DMD padding_x: int Number of pixels padded in the x direction. (see pySLM2.simulation.SLMSimulation for details) padding_y: int Number of pixels padded in the y direction. (see pySLM2.simulation.SLMSimulation for details) """ def __init__(self, dmd, padding_x=0, padding_y=0): if not isinstance(dmd, DMD): raise TypeError("dmd must be a DMD object.") super(DMDSimulation, self).__init__(dmd, padding_x=padding_x, padding_y=padding_y) @property def first_order_origin(self): assert isinstance(self._slm, DMD) return self._slm.first_order_origin
[docs] def block_zeroth_order(self, r=None): """On the DMDSimulation.image_plane array, set the centre values (0th order diffraction) to zero.""" assert isinstance(self._slm, DMD) if self._output_field is None: raise TypeError("Run propagate_to_image first to initialise images plane light field") if r is None: r = self.scaling_factor / self._slm._p.value() / 2 x, y = self._image_plane_padded_grid() r2 = x ** 2 + y ** 2 mask = r2 < r ** 2 self._image_plane_field = tf.where(mask, tf.zeros_like(self._image_plane_field, dtype=BACKEND.dtype_complex), self._image_plane_field)